Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Fo' shizzle...this is the best hike I've been on in my entire life.
A marmot friend on Chapin Creek Trail.
Got to keep on moving
I'm speechless.
Picnic in the park
Tee hee hee...I told them I wouldn't hike unless they took me out of that stupid backpack. I won!
Definitely a better day -- we are in Rocky Mountain National Park hiking the Bear Lake Trail.

Mom's at work so we went on a hike in Boulder. I could totally live around here. Wish I was feeling better.

Our first day on our big family trip to Colorado. Here we are on Pearl St. in Boulder. I'm down because I got sick.
Jesse Silverman's got mad skillz

Saturday, July 7, 2007

The Silverman kid knows how to share his toys.

I've pretty much got the coolest aunt on the planet.

Friday, July 6, 2007

I gots the pink eye

I have been getting some serious Mom and Dad and Susu time. Why? I have cat eye. Doc says I have to stay home and can't see my buddies at day care. I am kind of glad because that mean girl with blonde hair was really getting on my nerves. She's always taking my toys. Mom says she might be flirting. I say play with your own toys, girlfriend.

In this picture, Dad and I were pooped after I spent my first day with pink eye as a fussbudget grumpster.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

First Steps

I took my first step on June 29 or so they think. I've been running 5Ks while they sleep and can't get enough of soccer and basketball.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Ohio Invasion

My grandparents are visiting from Ohio and they seem to enjoy me. I spend every hour with grandma JoJo, and we play and play and cry and play. I love her soooooooooooo much because she changes me, cuddles me, chases me, keeps me safe and rocks me to sleep at night. I wish they lived here so I could see them more often, I'm not even sure what Ohio has over me. My top tooth is coming in and it's white. Dad said it would be gold and that I'd be a pimp, but I'm not sure what that means. I think it must be good though, because he love me mucho. I went to Barton Springs a few weeks ago and loved the cold water. I'm part fish. I've been swimming many times with grandma JoJo, at Barton Creek and a few local swimming pools. Did I mention I'm part fish.............at least thats what Dad says, and he seem to be right all the time. Mom just got back from Aspen Colorado, which I think is very far. She didn't bring me back anything, but I love her the same. I'm so happy to feed from her that I flap my arms as if I were a bird. I'm not, I'm part fish. She is the best Mommy in the world and I wouldn't trade her for a pony.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Hello! Welcome to my blog. When I was younger, I posted stuff here: elihawkins.myphotoalbum.com. At 7 1/2 months, I am now grown up enough to have my own blog.